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Pakistan earns US $633m from travel services’ export in Jul-April

Islamabad, June 3, 2024 — Pakistan earned $633.198 million by providing various travel services abroad during the first ten months of the fiscal year 2023-24. This represents a 27.61% decrease compared to the $874.700 million earned in the same period last year, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

Key Figures:
– Total Travel Services Export: $633.198 million (July-April 2023-24)
– Previous Year Comparison: $874.700 million (July-April 2022-23)
– Decrease: 27.61%

Breakdown of Personal Travel Services:
– Total Earnings: $624.278 million (28.08% decrease from $868.020 million)
– Health-Related Expenditure: Increased by 255.59%
– Education-Related Expenditure: Increased by 98.97%
– Other Personal Services: Declined by 30.71%

Business Services Export:
– Increase: 33.53% (from $6.680 million to $8.920 million)

Overall Services Export:
– July-April 2023-24: $6.441 billion
– July-January 2022-23: $6.366 billion
– Increase: 1.18%

– Increase: 20.77% (from $6.912 billion to $8.347 billion)

Despite the decrease in travel services exports, the overall export of services saw a slight increase of 1.18%, reflecting growth in other sectors. The significant rise in health and education-related expenditures highlights a shift in the nature of personal travel services.

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